August 11, 2023
Irina Loncar

A UK Recruiter's Journey to Australia: Challenges, Opportunities, and Insights into the Recruitment Market

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Australia's recruitment market is currently a hot topic in the industry, thanks to its thriving economy, talent pool, and attractive salary packages. 

Ryan Speak, a UK Recruiter, found himself drawn to this market, leading to a move to Sydney. The Doherty Group team spoke with him to delve into his professional experiences, offering insight into both the recruitment market and his personal transition from the UK to Australia. 

A New Home: Why Australia?

Ryan's decision to relocate was driven by a combination of professional growth opportunities and a desire for a more fulfilling lifestyle. The allure of Australia's stunning landscape, mixed culture, and great weather proved to be key factors. Additionally, the marked contrast in work-life balance between the UK and Down Under was a compelling reason for the move. 

“I am able to spend more time outdoors and at the beach, as well as that the cost of living is so much cheaper here than back home.” 

A Balanced Lifestyle

Upon arriving in Sydney, Ryan quickly immersed himself in the local culture, engaging in sports, socialising, and joining a cricket team within his first week which helped him build a new network of friends. 

“I am fortunate enough to have a lot of flexibility in my role which allows me to balance both easily. I usually spend my time playing a lot of sports and socialising.”

The Recruitment Market: Australia vs. UK

Navigating the recruitment markets in both the UK and Australia has given him another perspective. He mentions that salaries are notably higher in Australia, and there's a willingness among his clients to accept and sponsor international candidates. This has provided him a larger talent pool to work from and more flexibility in meeting their needs. 

In his role with Stream Talent, leading their healthcare division, he found himself ahead of expectations, adding four new consultants since April. The opportunity to build and shape a division has been an exciting part of his journey, showing the potential that the Australian market offers. 

In the future, he plans to continue building his division, stepping aside from the billing role to focus on other projects as his career evolves. 

“Long term, I am hoping to build the division so I can step away from billing and focus on other projects.”

A Smooth Transition and Valuable Advice

His advice for others considering a similar move was both practical and encouraging. The two-week process from the interview to the offer, followed by an easy and simple visa application, painted a picture of a smooth transition. 

His advice for others considering the move is unequivocal: "Go for it!" 

If you'd like more detailed information about salaries, visas, and other essential resources for a move to Australia, our "Move to Australia – Candidate Journey Guide" is available for download. 

And if you're eager to explore current recruitment jobs in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane, don't hesitate to drop us a message. WhatsApp: +44 7828 257817 

Allow us to be your guide on this remarkable journey, just as we were for Ryan. 

Content that you might also be interested in: 

Australia: Recruiter Salary & Benefits Guide – 2022/2023  

Life and Work as a Recruitment Professional in Sydney: Insights From a UK Recruiter   

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