February 27, 2023
Dualta Doherty

Maximising Productivity: Essential Tips for Remote Recruiters

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In a world where remote & hybrid work is becoming more and more common, it’s no surprise that more and more recruiters are also looking for remote recruitment jobs.

There are a number of reasons why recruiters might want to work remotely, including avoiding a lengthy commute, being able to spend more time with family or simply having a better work/life balance. Whatever the reason, if you’re looking for a remote recruitment job, there are a few things you can do to make sure you remain a top biller on your team while working remotely.

First, here are 5 reasons why you should consider becoming a remote recruiter:

You can ditch the 9-5 grind

One of the biggest advantages of working remotely is that you can say goodbye to the 9-5 grind. With a remote job, you have the flexibility to work when you want, where you want. This is extremely relevant in a world where most conversations with candidates and clients happen over video calls or phone.

You can save money on office space and commuting

Working remotely can also save you a lot of money. You won’t need to pay for office space or commuting costs, and depending on which country you’re working in you can even get a tax break if you work from home.

You can have a better work/life balance

With a remote recruitment job, you can design your own schedule to better fit your lifestyle. This type of flexibility can allow you to spend more time with family and friends, or pursue hobbies and interests outside of work without hurting your productivity.

You can work from anywhere in the world

Another great advantage of working remotely is that you can work from anywhere in the world. So, if you’ve always wanted to live and work abroad, now you can!

You can still be a top biller

Last but not least, working remotely gives you a great opportunity to become a top biller. With a remote recruitment job, you can ditch the rigid 9-5 working schedule and shift your working hours across the day to suit yourself. This can even give you a greater geographical reach, which means you can focus on different regions to bring in more clients and make more placements.

If you’re thinking about becoming a remote recruiter, now is the time to do it. With more companies crying out for top recruitment talent than ever before, many are looking to hire remotely. So there’s never been a better time to get started.

Now, that all sounds great, but I can also hear you ask: “Can you be as successful as a remote recruiter? Will my commissions be as high?”

Here are five ways to stay competitive and productive  as a successful remote recruiter:

1. Get organised

The first step to being a successful remote recruiter is to get organised. This means creating a work schedule and sticking to it. We mentioned choosing the hours you work each day. That’s great, of course, but you’ve got to stick to it and stay consistent - without a formal space to this for you, you now need to keep yourself accountable for your activity and results.

This means having a dedicated workspace in your home and making sure you have all the necessary equipment and supplies. Does your in-office team keep a tally of everyone’s targets & placements on a whiteboard? You should probably reflect that in your workspace too.

2. Stay in touch with your team

When you’re working as a remote recruiter, it’s easy to think of yourself as a lone wolf. Winning clients, placing candidates, and crushing targets all by yourself. But it’s important to stay in touch with your team. Especially when you’re working for an agency whose name gives you influence and whose support is essential to your success. This means having regular conference calls or video chats, posting in your company Slack or team Whatsapp, and staying up to date on what’s going on with your colleagues.

3. Use technology to your advantage

There’s a dizzying array of great recruitment tech available that can help remote recruiters work more efficiently and stay organised - from  planning and management apps, to outreach automation and AI platforms. Make sure you take advantage of these tools to help you in your daily activities.

4. Market yourself

When you’re working remotely, and whether you’re doing your own work to maintain content output on your socials it’s important to keep your own profile active. This might mean creating your own additional social accounts or website, and making sure you’re active on relevant forums and networking sites.

5. Stay positive

Last but not least, it’s important to stay positive when you’re working remotely. Working in an office alongside other recruiters means when they celebrate a win, you get a piece of that enthusiasm. That’s why it’s great to encourage cross channel chat -So, if you stay motivated and focused, you can continue to be a top biller.

How to find remote recruiter jobs

While many recruitment agencies are now open to the idea of hiring remote recruiters, not every agency has successfully incorporated the idea of remote recruitment into their DNA.

Stay tuned to our website and find out more about remote, local and international roles

Or write to us at georgiana@dohertygroup.io

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