January 17, 2023
Andreea Sunkari

Interview Questions: To Ask the Hiring Manager

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So, you have managed to get through the main part of the interview and the end is in sight, however, the interviewer then asks, "Have you got any questions for us?" - what do you say?

Most people will immediately say, "No, I think I understood the role and today helped clarify it". That's fine... but it's always better to ask questions, and let's face it, we all have them! Until you have been in that role for that company, you cannot fully understand the job. So why do people hesitate to ask for more information?

When people are nervous or uncomfortable, they naturally want to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. But if you do not ask questions, that could be one of the differences between you and another candidate with similar skills who asked great questions.

By asking questions you come across as interested, engaged, thoughtful, and confident so don't be afraid to ask the questions you have been thinking of beforehand such as -

"What do you see as the most challenging components of this role"

"What do you think would be the key to being successful in this position"

"What would be your expectations of the successful candidate in the first 3 - 6 - 9 months?"

"Can you describe to me in more detail how this role fits into the broader company structure?"

"Please can you tell me more about the team and the internal/external interfaces?"

"What do you like about working for X company?"

These are all questions I have been asked before, and each time the recruiter has been pleased that the applicant had an active interest in getting more information from the panel. This indicates that you take this process seriously and consider all aspects before making a decision.

However, I have also been asked questions that we would not recommend in an interview:

"What is the salary?"

"How many hours do I have to work?"

"How much sick leave do I get?"

"Do I have to take on extra duties or work overtime on a regular basis?"

These are all valid questions, but you should not ask them in the interview. Ask them to the recruiter before the interview so you can be sure it is the right opportunity for you. Asking about the money in an interview (unless the recruiter/interviewer brings it up) may give the impression that your motivation is related to the money rather than the opportunity. I understand that money is important, but since this is your chance to shine and stand out, it can wait!

Curious about the recruiter's point of view? You can gain insight into what you might get asked when you're applying for your next opportunity by reading this article from Prior&Hall Recruitment, where they dive into Behavioral questions to help you nail your interview.

If you are thinking about a career change, the Doherty Group team is in full swing working on new roles around the world for experienced UK & Irish recruiters. Contact us today!

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