June 27, 2023
Irina Loncar

Dubai Tax-Free Living: What You Need to Know?

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Dubai's appeal as a destination for expats and entrepreneurs goes beyond its glamorous reputation. The Middle East is known for being a tax-free region, and Dubai is no exception. The absence of personal income tax, capital gains tax, or inheritance tax means that residents can keep more of their hard-earned money, leading to a higher disposable income.

This tax-free environment has made Dubai a popular destination for skilled professionals and business owners, with numerous multinational companies setting up their headquarters in the city.


Higher Disposable Income

No taxes on your salary. It is as simple as that. This is especially beneficial for those who work in the recruitment industry, where commissions and bonuses make up a significant portion of their income. The absence of income tax or other taxes on personal income means that recruiters can earn more money and have more financial flexibility to invest, save, or spend on their lifestyle.

More Job Opportunities

Dubai is a thriving business hub with numerous job opportunities in various sectors, including recruitment. The city's tax-free status has attracted many multinational companies, entrepreneurs, and high-net-worth individuals, leading to an increase in the number of roles across different sectors.  

In particular, the recruitment jobs in Dubai has seen significant growth, with many recruitment companies looking for talented UK recruiters to help fill job openings in various sectors.

Affordable Cost of Living

Despite its reputation for luxury, Dubai has a relatively affordable cost of living compared to other global cities such as London or New York. According to Numbeo, a cost of living database, living in Dubai is 30% cheaper than in the British capital and 35% cheaper than in the Big Apple.

Dubai's government has implemented various policies to regulate the real estate market, including rent caps and affordable housing initiatives, resulting in a more accessible housing market. The availability of public transportation, quality healthcare, and diverse food options also contribute to a lower cost of living in the city.

Investment Opportunities

With a thriving economy and a strategic location at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa, Dubai offers numerous investment opportunities in various sectors.

The city's infrastructure is world-class, and its business-friendly policies make it an ideal location for setting up businesses. Additionally, Dubai's free zones, such as Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Dubai Internet City (DIC), and Dubai Media City (DMC), offer tax exemptions, customs duty benefits, and simplified administrative procedures, making it easier for investors to start their businesses.

Dubai also has a well-regulated financial sector, with a sophisticated banking system and stock exchange. The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and Nasdaq Dubai offer access to various investment opportunities in stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments.

On top of all the financial benefits, moving from the UK to Dubai is an excellent opportunity for recruiters looking to step into an international market without the need to relocate too far from the UK or navigate complex visa procedures.

The Doherty Group team are working on a number of Recruitment Consultants Jobs in Dubai. If this is something you’re interested in hearing about, don’t hesitate to drop us a message and we’re happy to share more details about the recruitment agencies in Dubai.

To get an idea of what the relocation procedure looks like, download our Candidate Journey brochure.

Contact us at: georgiana@dohertygroup.io

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